I had a bunch of fun visiting with the developers who work here, and telling their story was a great experience. You can check out the article here. https://www.geekwire.com/2019/indies-workshop-helps-game-developers-get-houses-learn/...

Thanks to everyone for your support of my unending obsession for Game of Thrones! https://anchor.fm/geekythronesgirl

For the past couple of months, I’ve been writing about character reunions I’m dying to see in the last season of the show. These include Jon...

In my latest piece for the Geek Embassy, I ranked the battles in Game of Thrones. Check it out! The Top 7 Battles in Game of Thrones

The first episode of our re-branded podcast is live. Check it out!

Throughout the entirety of Game of Thrones, Lyanna Stark is mentioned. Usually this happens in the Winterfell crypts when characters are looking at the...

I’ve just started writing about Game of Thrones for the Geek Embassy. I’ll be writing a story every 2 weeks, so come geek out with me. We need...

Special guest Marcia Morgan from the Mommy Gamers joins us this week. We give a rundown of the winners from the Game Awards, and some things we think the...

The final, at least for now, word on Star Wars Battlefront II comes from EA’s CFO. Turns out they couldn’t make loot boxes out of cosmetic...

EA has tried to save face with Star Wars Battlefront II. Despite turning off microtransactions we’re skeptical that the game can recover from the...